What's better, Doom3 or Halo?
(too old to reply)
2004-09-01 22:29:26 UTC
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
2004-09-01 22:38:09 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
2004-09-01 23:16:35 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Doom3 is far superior SP, Halo way better MP. Sorry, but you'll have to get
both :)
2004-09-01 23:29:16 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the
best single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Doom3 has multiplayer?


Well, Halo and Doom3 both have cool, compelling sci-fi stories, and both
have cool technology. On any system setup, Doom is likely to have better
graphics (like, by a ratio of 3000), while Halo gameplay (in spite of poor
graphic cards) is more fun in single and multi (unless you like being in the
dark 99.9% of the time fighting hellspawn as opposed to driving around the
rolling green hills of a ringworld). It's really a matter of *your* opinion.
Find somebody with one or both games, spend some time playing them. See
which catches your fancy.

Both (IMHO) are great games.
Deep Thought
Erase the Earth
to g-mail me.
Cy Edmunds
2004-09-02 02:21:37 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
I really hated Halo. I thought the single player game was boring and the
multiplayer was frustrating -- the vehicles were too powerful. Doom 3 is a
very different kind of single player game but, again IMHO, is a lot of fun.
It's more like being in a horror movie than a war. The multiplayer is pretty
lame though. Various flavors of Quake 2 and Quake 3 are far better. If you
like vehicles in your multiplayer game I would consider UT2k4. A player on
foot has effective options against a vehicle and the Onslaught mode is
reasonably fun.
2004-09-02 03:19:22 UTC
Post by Cy Edmunds
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
I really hated Halo. I thought the single player game was boring and the
multiplayer was frustrating -- the vehicles were too powerful. Doom 3 is a
very different kind of single player game but, again IMHO, is a lot of fun.
It's more like being in a horror movie than a war. The multiplayer is pretty
lame though. Various flavors of Quake 2 and Quake 3 are far better. If you
like vehicles in your multiplayer game I would consider UT2k4. A player on
foot has effective options against a vehicle and the Onslaught mode is
reasonably fun.
I liked halo single player, but for everyone who's complaining about
Doom 3 being tedious, go play through the Library level of Halo. "Let's
see is this the 50th time I've been through the same identical maze and
central room."
History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

Steve ¤»Inglo«¤
John Comma Smith
2004-09-04 05:20:00 UTC
Thats a first, never heard of someone hating halo.
Post by Cy Edmunds
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
I really hated Halo. I thought the single player game was boring and the
multiplayer was frustrating -- the vehicles were too powerful. Doom 3 is a
very different kind of single player game but, again IMHO, is a lot of fun.
It's more like being in a horror movie than a war. The multiplayer is pretty
lame though. Various flavors of Quake 2 and Quake 3 are far better. If you
like vehicles in your multiplayer game I would consider UT2k4. A player on
foot has effective options against a vehicle and the Onslaught mode is
reasonably fun.
2004-09-08 20:08:12 UTC
Especially one browsing a Halo newsgroup.
Post by John Comma Smith
Thats a first, never heard of someone hating halo.
Post by Cy Edmunds
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the
Post by Cy Edmunds
Post by Jackie
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
I really hated Halo. I thought the single player game was boring and the
multiplayer was frustrating -- the vehicles were too powerful. Doom 3 is a
very different kind of single player game but, again IMHO, is a lot of
Post by Cy Edmunds
It's more like being in a horror movie than a war. The multiplayer is
Post by Cy Edmunds
lame though. Various flavors of Quake 2 and Quake 3 are far better. If you
like vehicles in your multiplayer game I would consider UT2k4. A player on
foot has effective options against a vehicle and the Onslaught mode is
reasonably fun.
2004-09-08 21:40:35 UTC
Post by Al
Especially one browsing a Halo newsgroup.
hey nitwit, look at the newsgroups in the header.
History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men

Steve ¤»Inglo«¤
John Comma Smith
2004-09-08 23:00:45 UTC
Hey he might be posting from the Halo Ng not the Doom one
Post by Inglo
Post by Al
Especially one browsing a Halo newsgroup.
hey nitwit, look at the newsgroups in the header.
History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men
Steve €»Inglo«€
2004-09-09 20:59:59 UTC
I will admit I overlooked the crossposting but I don't think anything in my
response warranted that kind of reply. Obviously in a battle of wits you
would surely come out the winner, how about I take nit and you can have half
and dim. How sad a life you must lead to get worked up over my suggestion
that you were browsing a Halo NG.
Post by Inglo
Post by Al
Especially one browsing a Halo newsgroup.
hey nitwit, look at the newsgroups in the header.
History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men
Steve €»Inglo«€
2004-09-02 04:21:16 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
andrew pl banham
2004-09-02 14:26:08 UTC
halo sp? good start,good finish and rubbish middle what about far cry? far
cry better than both d3 and halo.
2004-09-02 16:44:00 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Both have poor single player games, but Halo is slightly more entertaining.

Halo does have a pretty good multiplayer, although there are better
multiplayer games around (UT2k4, Counterstrike, Medal of honor, call of
duty, etc). Doom 3 has no playable multiplayer game what so ever and the
publishers should be prosecuted for claiming that it does.
2004-09-02 19:47:19 UTC
Post by Rayman
Both have poor single player games, but Halo is slightly more
Halo does have a pretty good multiplayer, although there are better
multiplayer games around <SNIP>
I made a list of flaws in Halo MP and how to make it better... most of the
changes involve making it more like Tribes.
Deep Thought
Erase the Earth
to g-mail me.
John Comma Smith
2004-09-04 05:22:48 UTC
Counter Strike sucks, nothing to the game but shoot the bad guys. Complete
copy of the online play of my favorite game for PS2, Socom 2
Post by Rayman
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Both have poor single player games, but Halo is slightly more
Post by Rayman
Halo does have a pretty good multiplayer, although there are better
multiplayer games around (UT2k4, Counterstrike, Medal of honor, call of
duty, etc). Doom 3 has no playable multiplayer game what so ever and the
publishers should be prosecuted for claiming that it does.
2004-09-02 16:46:00 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Doom 3 or pong?
2004-09-02 17:02:19 UTC
Post by hunkahunkaburninluv
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Doom 3 or pong?
SP=Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3!
MP=Unreal Tournament
"You gonna do something? Or just stand there and bleed?"
tservo100 at
ameritech dot net
Slow, fiery death to all spammers!!!
2004-09-02 20:14:49 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
I don't care much for the simgle player mode of Halo but multi-player is
lots of fun.

Not sure about Doom yet, though from what I have seen, the single player
mode is quite intense. Just be aware that you'll need a pretty butt-kickin'
workstation in order to play Doom. Previous versions of Doom were quite fun
in multi-player mode.
Hans Schmucker
2004-09-03 17:22:14 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
My opinion isn't entirely unbiased, but here's the way I see it:

Halo was a nice game, but it was already outdated when it came out + the
programming is lousy. On my GFGoFX5600 128MB Halo was MUCH slower then the
D3 Alpha (the notebook was stolen it the meantime, so I can't compare to
final). Also... there were very little movie elements in Halo (as far as I
played, it's not much fun at 4 fps with 3 or more monsters onscreen). Doom3
on the other hand is a dramatic masterpiece. In fact, I would almost
consider it an "interactive movie". So I would go for D3!
2004-09-04 04:58:29 UTC
Atari 2600's 'Adventure' blows them all away!
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
2004-09-05 08:43:11 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Doom 3 is better graphically, Halo is better in every other respect.
2004-10-11 11:05:42 UTC
In terms of gameplay I enjoyed Halo for the outdoor missions and the freedom
of driving / flying - especially flying the Banshee. I really hated the
claustrophobic Flood levels and the utterly repetitive Library levels.

Doom 3 is like one big combination of both of these levels with the added
"bonus" of not being able to use both a light and a weapon at the same time;
yes I have downloaded the mods, but they only work on the pistol, shotgun
and machine gun. The upside is that the graphics are the best I have ever
seen and, when combined with the excellent sounds, the suspense of disbelief
is complete.

In terms of hardware, the graphics card I upgraded to (ATI 9600 XT) in order
to play Halo struggles a little with Doom 3. If you have a lesser card then
you should be prepared to fork out at least AS$300 for a card that can do
the job and possibly more if you want to play Doom 3 on Med - High settings.
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
2004-10-13 02:45:52 UTC
Post by Bludger
In terms of gameplay I enjoyed Halo for the outdoor missions and the
freedom of driving / flying - especially flying the Banshee. I really
hated the claustrophobic Flood levels and the utterly repetitive Library
Doom 3 is like one big combination of both of these levels with the added
"bonus" of not being able to use both a light and a weapon at the same
time; yes I have downloaded the mods, but they only work on the pistol,
shotgun and machine gun. The upside is that the graphics are the best I
have ever seen and, when combined with the excellent sounds, the suspense
of disbelief is complete.
In terms of hardware, the graphics card I upgraded to (ATI 9600 XT) in
order to play Halo struggles a little with Doom 3. If you have a lesser
card then you should be prepared to fork out at least AS$300 for a card
that can do the job and possibly more if you want to play Doom 3 on Med -
High settings.
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Halo SP is a lot more fun IMHO, vehicles, varied environments, the AI
isn't too bad and none of the battles have a scripted outcome. The marines
gave me a good laugh with their banter also. (Hated the voice over girl as
well, Cortana?) The characters had some personality.
I didn't mind the Library levels as they didn't go on forever. I quite liked
the scenario as well.
MP is OK, can use vehicles as well, but the maps could be better and there
is a tendency for some players to rocket/Fuel pod gun (not available to you
in SP) whore which gets annoying.

Doom3 started well very atmospheric, I didn't find the flashlight
switching too bad, only in a couple of places where it was very dark, but
even on veteran level I rarely died during normal gameplay and only 3 or 4
times (on average) against the bosses.
Because most of the labs looked the same it became tedious and quite
annoying at times, which meant you weren't "scared", just waiting for the
next imp to appear. So basically it becomes a shoot-em-up. I found Hell
disappointing, fairly generic castle-ruins-and-horned-skulls approach to the
I found the weapons kind of bland, they didn't even have a good sound to
them (odd complaint I know), and I thought id failed to capitalize on the
enemies at their disposal, that is you never seemed to fight more that 2
types of enemy at one time.
It started out with you having visions, and there was a good moment where
you exit a lift and you see a pair of eyes in a dark corner that sink into
the floor, so you rush over with shotgun at the ready, but there is nothing
there... then those kind of details just disappear as you progress.
Haven't played MP so can't comment.

It's probably not fair to compare the games directly, Halo is more of an
adventure than Doom3 is. Doom3 is every id game you ever played, as they
never seem to stray far from the same themes or imagery (I could swear they
recycled sounds from Q2). There is a storyline in there, but I couldn't tell
you much about it, except a sketchy outline. I was wondering who all these
people were that were being talked about at the end of the game, the only
person I could identify (but not by name) was the doctor. With Halo I knew
much more about events and characters.

Maybe try renting both then deciding which one to buy.
2012-05-17 18:46:18 UTC
Post by Jackie
I was going to get one of these games. Which do people think is the best
single player one and the best multiplayer one?
Old DOOM 1-2 for me!!!!!! I am old school though.
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