Halo 2, Halo 3: ODST to Games on Demand?
(too old to reply)
Jonah Falcon
2009-08-09 22:46:59 UTC

Xbox Evolved is reporting that both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST may be released
on Games on Demand later this year, with the downloadable ODST possibly $20
less than retail price.

"A tip I received earlier this weekend claims that Halo 2 will be coming to
Microsoft's 'Games on Demand' service later next month as part of the
hype-machine for Halo 3 ODST, as both stories share some of the same
locations, and story elements for about $15, or if you go by the current
model, likely for 1200 MS points. Later, a little after the release of Halo
3: ODST in stores, Microsoft will supposedly release it on 'GoD' as well for
under $40. The source claims Microsoft will not officially release details
on it's downloadable release until closer to the time of the games release,
or even after the release. This is to ensure that retail outlets are able to
create strong preorders of the game, and to not take steam away from
Microsoft's retail partners."

This sort of flies in the face of the recent statement that Microsoft wasn't
ready to do simultaneous retail/digital distribution, but then again, they're
always amenable to making exceptions to the rule.

Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? Let us know.
2009-08-13 00:15:26 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Xbox Evolved is reporting that both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST may be
released on Games on Demand later this year, with the downloadable ODST
possibly $20 less than retail price.
"A tip I received earlier this weekend claims that Halo 2 will be coming
to Microsoft's 'Games on Demand' service later next month as part of the
hype-machine for Halo 3 ODST, as both stories share some of the same
locations, and story elements for about $15, or if you go by the current
model, likely for 1200 MS points. Later, a little after the release of
Halo 3: ODST in stores, Microsoft will supposedly release it on 'GoD' as
well for under $40. The source claims Microsoft will not officially
release details on it's downloadable release until closer to the time of
the games release, or even after the release. This is to ensure that
retail outlets are able to create strong preorders of the game, and to not
take steam away from Microsoft's retail partners."
This sort of flies in the face of the recent statement that Microsoft
wasn't ready to do simultaneous retail/digital distribution, but then
again, they're always amenable to making exceptions to the rule.
Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? Let us know.
Yes, I would - except they need to make a bigger hard-drive available at
a reasonable price!!
2009-08-13 11:43:38 UTC
Xbox Evolved is reporting that both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST may be released
on Games on Demand later this year, with the downloadable ODST possibly $20
less than retail price.
"A tip I received earlier this weekend claims that Halo 2 will be coming to
Microsoft's 'Games on Demand' service later next month as part of the
hype-machine for Halo 3 ODST, as both stories share some of the same
locations, and story elements for about $15, or if you go by the current
model, likely for 1200 MS points. Later, a little after the release of Halo
3: ODST in stores, Microsoft will supposedly release it on 'GoD' as well for
under $40. The source claims Microsoft will not officially release details
on it's downloadable release until closer to the time of the games release,
or even after the release. This is to ensure that retail outlets are able to
create strong preorders of the game, and to not take steam away from
Microsoft's retail partners."
This sort of flies in the face of the recent statement that Microsoft wasn't
ready to do simultaneous retail/digital distribution, but then again, they're
always amenable to making exceptions to the rule.
Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? Let us know.
"Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? "

Without question I would purchase ODST is it was $20 dollars or less.

The only way I see Digital Download making a serious dent is pricing
(has to be lower than physical media) and MS has to manufacture a
bigger and more reasonably priced hard drive.

Most people I know sell or trade in their used titles once they become
bored with them. Even my son sells his used titles on eBay. There is
no value for DD once you purchase it and you are limited with it's use
having it locked on one hard drive but lower than physical media
pricing might off set that for some people.
2009-08-13 12:04:35 UTC
Post by BoodyBandit
Xbox Evolved is reporting that both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST may be released
on Games on Demand later this year, with the downloadable ODST possibly $20
less than retail price.
"A tip I received earlier this weekend claims that Halo 2 will be coming to
Microsoft's 'Games on Demand' service later next month as part of the
hype-machine for Halo 3 ODST, as both stories share some of the same
locations, and story elements for about $15, or if you go by the current
model, likely for 1200 MS points. Later, a little after the release of Halo
3: ODST in stores, Microsoft will supposedly release it on 'GoD' as well for
under $40. The source claims Microsoft will not officially release details
on it's downloadable release until closer to the time of the games release,
or even after the release. This is to ensure that retail outlets are able to
create strong preorders of the game, and to not take steam away from
Microsoft's retail partners."
This sort of flies in the face of the recent statement that Microsoft wasn't
ready to do simultaneous retail/digital distribution, but then again, they're
always amenable to making exceptions to the rule.
Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? Let us know.
"Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? "
Without question I would purchase ODST is it was $20 dollars or less.
The only way I see Digital Download making a serious dent is pricing
(has to be lower than physical media) and MS has to manufacture a
bigger and more reasonably priced  hard drive.
Most people I know sell or trade in their used titles once they become
bored with them. Even my son sells his used titles on eBay. There is
no value for DD once you purchase it and you are limited with it's use
having it locked on one hard drive but lower than physical media
pricing might off set that for some people.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
How does Microsoft profit from making GoD games cheaper than the
physical media counterpart? If the answer is they don't, why would
they do it?
2009-08-13 12:37:49 UTC
Post by Eman
How does Microsoft profit from making GoD games cheaper than the
physical media counterpart? If the answer is they don't, why would
they do it?
By the retailer not taking a 40%+ cut? By not having to design and
manufacture a disc, manual and box? By not having to ship millions of
copies of the game around the world? MS could sell games for under half
what retailers do and still make more money. But they won't, a) because
retailers wouldn't stock their hardware and b) because the monopoly
commission would have a field day.
http://icookies.co.uk - My RE5 review now up
Jonah Falcon
2009-08-13 14:38:03 UTC
Post by Zomoniac
Post by Eman
How does Microsoft profit from making GoD games cheaper than the
physical media counterpart? If the answer is they don't, why would
they do it?
By the retailer not taking a 40%+ cut? By not having to design and
manufacture a disc, manual and box? By not having to ship millions of
copies of the game around the world? MS could sell games for under half
what retailers do and still make more money. But they won't, a) because
retailers wouldn't stock their hardware and b) because the monopoly
commission would have a field day.
Monopoly? For WHAT? Sony's doing it with the PSP and PSN now.

Microsoft doesn't want to piss off retailers with a major title like Halo 3:
ODST, so they'll wait til a few weeks after release to release digitally for
$40 - if they do it. This is just a rumor, remember.
2009-08-13 15:23:32 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by Zomoniac
Post by Eman
How does Microsoft profit from making GoD games cheaper than the
physical media counterpart? If the answer is they don't, why would
they do it?
By the retailer not taking a 40%+ cut? By not having to design and
manufacture a disc, manual and box? By not having to ship millions of
copies of the game around the world? MS could sell games for under half
what retailers do and still make more money. But they won't, a) because
retailers wouldn't stock their hardware and b) because the monopoly
commission would have a field day.
Monopoly? For WHAT? Sony's doing it with the PSP and PSN now.
Microsoft doesn't want to piss off retailers with a major title like Halo
3: ODST, so they'll wait til a few weeks after release to release
digitally for $40 - if they do it. This is just a rumor, remember.
And you what, though I am a little wary of the game because of my Halo3
experience, if MS is really going down this path, I may just wait those few
weeks to see if it shows up cheaper as a download.
2009-08-14 08:17:07 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by Zomoniac
Post by Eman
How does Microsoft profit from making GoD games cheaper than the
physical media counterpart? If the answer is they don't, why would
they do it?
By the retailer not taking a 40%+ cut? By not having to design and
manufacture a disc, manual and box? By not having to ship millions of
copies of the game around the world? MS could sell games for under
half what retailers do and still make more money. But they won't, a)
because retailers wouldn't stock their hardware and b) because the
monopoly commission would have a field day.
Monopoly? For WHAT? Sony's doing it with the PSP and PSN now.
Not at reduced prices they're not. Sony are offering Warhawk, GT5P,
Burnout Paradise and a few others and a bunch of PSP games for MORE than
retailers were selling them for on release day (for the most part). MS
would be seen as having an unfair uncompetitive advantage if they were
to release games at the same profits to themselves as they would get
from selling at retail, as they'd be undercutting retail by at least 50%
and putting game stores out of business very quickly.
http://icookies.co.uk - My RE5 review now up
2009-08-13 15:21:24 UTC
Post by BoodyBandit
Xbox Evolved is reporting that both Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST may be released
on Games on Demand later this year, with the downloadable ODST possibly $20
less than retail price.
"A tip I received earlier this weekend claims that Halo 2 will be coming to
Microsoft's 'Games on Demand' service later next month as part of the
hype-machine for Halo 3 ODST, as both stories share some of the same
locations, and story elements for about $15, or if you go by the current
model, likely for 1200 MS points. Later, a little after the release of Halo
3: ODST in stores, Microsoft will supposedly release it on 'GoD' as well for
under $40. The source claims Microsoft will not officially release details
on it's downloadable release until closer to the time of the games release,
or even after the release. This is to ensure that retail outlets are able to
create strong preorders of the game, and to not take steam away from
Microsoft's retail partners."
This sort of flies in the face of the recent statement that Microsoft wasn't
ready to do simultaneous retail/digital distribution, but then again, they're
always amenable to making exceptions to the rule.
Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? Let us know.
"Would you buy a digital version of ODST if it cost $20 less? "
Without question I would purchase ODST is it was $20 dollars or less.
The only way I see Digital Download making a serious dent is pricing
(has to be lower than physical media) and MS has to manufacture a
bigger and more reasonably priced hard drive.
Reasonably priced is the key here. For me personally, my 60gig drive is just
fine even for downloaded games, since I know I can re-download them again if
I need to delete it for space. The most space I have used on my 60gig is
about half of it anyway.
Post by BoodyBandit
Most people I know sell or trade in their used titles once they become
bored with them. Even my son sells his used titles on eBay. There is
no value for DD once you purchase it and you are limited with it's use
having it locked on one hard drive but lower than physical media
pricing might off set that for some people.