Free Halo 3: ODST premium theme
(too old to reply)
Jonah Falcon
2009-09-22 22:04:03 UTC
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
2009-09-23 19:24:23 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
2009-09-23 19:38:40 UTC
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
2009-09-23 21:23:09 UTC
Post by droletseb
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
I know.

I was just having fun with him since much of his self worth seems to
revolve around letting everyone know that he was the first one to post
some particular tidbit of information to this newsgroup.

I didn't want to make it *too* obvious with an emoticon.
Jonah Falcon
2009-09-23 23:24:50 UTC
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
2009-09-24 14:21:11 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
I know. Google Groups even provides the time you posted your article.
Even though it showed up later, it's clear you posted it first. I'm
just messing with you.
2009-09-24 20:56:18 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead. Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook menus, but
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two programs at
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 05:28:15 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook menus, but
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two programs at
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 10:29:02 UTC
In article <d2d3f537-5068-4e9b-8d9c-
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
Google Groups may have been once, but as a research tool it's nowhere
near the fountain of knowledge that it used to be. It also works
nothing like it did in the past. I used to use GG on a regular basis to
find what I was looking for (and deja news before Google got hold of
it). It was always my first port of call. Google have cannibalised it
so much now that I hardly ever bother anymore. It's such a
disappointment now.

Maybe as a general way to keep abreast of NG's it can work (I don't
know, I've never tried it that way), but as for the purpose it was
originally designed for, it's a shadow of its former self.
Pete Ives
Remove All_stRESS before sending me an email
2009-09-25 14:25:32 UTC
Post by Peter
In article <d2d3f537-5068-4e9b-8d9c-
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
Google Groups may have been once, but as a research tool it's nowhere
near the fountain of knowledge that it used to be.  It also works
nothing like it did in the past.  I used to use GG on a regular basis to
find what I was looking for (and deja news before Google got hold of
it).  It was always my first port of call.  Google have cannibalised it
so much now that I hardly ever bother anymore. It's such a
disappointment now.
I am also a veteran of deja news and have been using Google Groups
since it took over. I haven't seen very many changes in the interface
at all over the course of these years. I agree that from a Usenet-
specific content perspective, Google Groups is more limited than other
sources of newsgroup access but I was speaking more towards the
usability of the actual design.

I don't look to Usenet as a primary source of information - there's
just way too many better sources of information on the web - so in the
context of participating in, say, the Xbox and PS3 newsgroups, I
wouldn't choose any other Usenet client.

One content advantage Google Groups has is the Google-specific groups,
which are actually the reason why it was built in the first place -
the Usenet access was secondary.
Post by Peter
Maybe as a general way to keep abreast of NG's it can work (I don't
know, I've never tried it that way), but as for the purpose it was
originally designed for, it's a shadow of its former self.
"Keeping abreast of NG's" is the only reason most people would even
use Google Groups. It works perfectly fine for the purpose it was
originally designed for, which was to allow people to form groups
according to common interests and essentially communicate in the same
way people communicate in Usenet groups and message boards - using
threaded conversations like this one.

It was essentially a competitor to Yahoo's Groups service, which
predated it by 2 or 3 years.
2009-09-25 11:25:10 UTC
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
It's a broken mess of what used to be one of the best, if not the best group
reader on USENET. It also had a search function for groups and messages that
was tops and that is now broken. I think their listings and how to post is
nice, but you can't edit it like you can a good newsreader. I use GGs, only
if I have no choice.
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook menus, but
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two programs at
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 14:30:35 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is too much
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
It's a broken mess of what used to be one of the best, if not the best group
reader on USENET. It also had a search function for groups and messages that
was tops and that is now broken. I think their listings and how to post is
nice, but you can't edit it like you can a good newsreader. I use GGs, only
if I have no choice.
I think the difference in our perspectives is perhaps based on a
difference in usage history. I'm going to guess that you have been a
very avid Usenet user for a long time. While I have used Usenet since
my college years (mid to late 90s), I don't think I'd ever consider
myself a "power" user.

I'm looking at things from the perspective of the more typical person
who likely hasn't used dozens of different clients and who didn't
participate heavily in Usenet's heyday.

For the basic purpose of reading and posting Usenet articles, Google
Groups works perfectly, and really that's all it needs to do.
Obviously, Usenet power users are going to go with dedicated client
software that was made specifically to cater to people who go beyond a
little bit of daily reading and posting here and there. There are
plenty of great applications with the "above and beyond" features - I
sometimes use Forte Agent myself - but those really aren't made for
basic users.
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook menus, but
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two programs at
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 15:17:40 UTC
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
It's a broken mess of what used to be one of the best, if not the best group
reader on USENET. It also had a search function for groups and messages that
was tops and that is now broken. I think their listings and how to post is
nice, but you can't edit it like you can a good newsreader. I use GGs, only
if I have no choice.
I think the difference in our perspectives is perhaps based on a
difference in usage history. I'm going to guess that you have been a
very avid Usenet user for a long time. While I have used Usenet since
my college years (mid to late 90s), I don't think I'd ever consider
myself a "power" user.
I'm looking at things from the perspective of the more typical person
who likely hasn't used dozens of different clients and who didn't
participate heavily in Usenet's heyday.
For the basic purpose of reading and posting Usenet articles, Google
Groups works perfectly, and really that's all it needs to do.
Obviously, Usenet power users are going to go with dedicated client
software that was made specifically to cater to people who go beyond a
little bit of daily reading and posting here and there. There are
plenty of great applications with the "above and beyond" features - I
sometimes use Forte Agent myself - but those really aren't made for
basic users.
You hit the nail on the head as I am a power user (though nothing like a few
years ago) and have been posting to groups since the mid 90s. From your
perspective, GGs would work just fine for you.
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 15:36:23 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
It's a broken mess of what used to be one of the best, if not the best group
reader on USENET. It also had a search function for groups and messages that
was tops and that is now broken. I think their listings and how to post is
nice, but you can't edit it like you can a good newsreader. I use GGs, only
if I have no choice.
I think the difference in our perspectives is perhaps based on a
difference in usage history. I'm going to guess that you have been a
very avid Usenet user for a long time. While I have used Usenet since
my college years (mid to late 90s), I don't think I'd ever consider
myself a "power" user.
I'm looking at things from the perspective of the more typical person
who likely hasn't used dozens of different clients and who didn't
participate heavily in Usenet's heyday.
For the basic purpose of reading and posting Usenet articles, Google
Groups works perfectly, and really that's all it needs to do.
Obviously, Usenet power users are going to go with dedicated client
software that was made specifically to cater to people who go beyond a
little bit of daily reading and posting here and there. There are
plenty of great applications with the "above and beyond" features - I
sometimes use Forte Agent myself - but those really aren't made for
basic users.
You hit the nail on the head as I am a power user (though nothing like a few
years ago) and have been posting to groups since the mid 90s. From your
perspective, GGs would work just fine for you.
And it does! :-)
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
2009-09-25 15:38:04 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by Jonah Falcon
Actually, I posted this on Outlook News long before he did. The server
posted all of my stuff late.
Your ISP has poor ties to the news posting host or has contract with a
newsreading service (i.e. Giganews, etc) that directs premiums sunbscribers
posts first when posts hit queues enmass. My ISP does its own and I have
never had any problems. Very rarely do I use Google groups as it is
of a hassle and the format is not user friendly, but you may want to use
Google instead.
Blasphemy! Google Groups is one of the easiest newsreaders I've ever
had the privilege of using. I can't do squat with binaries but for
this kind of stuff it's golden.
It's a broken mess of what used to be one of the best, if not the best group
reader on USENET. It also had a search function for groups and messages that
was tops and that is now broken. I think their listings and how to post is
nice, but you can't edit it like you can a good newsreader. I use GGs, only
if I have no choice.
I think the difference in our perspectives is perhaps based on a
difference in usage history. I'm going to guess that you have been a
very avid Usenet user for a long time. While I have used Usenet since
my college years (mid to late 90s), I don't think I'd ever consider
myself a "power" user.
I'm looking at things from the perspective of the more typical person
who likely hasn't used dozens of different clients and who didn't
participate heavily in Usenet's heyday.
For the basic purpose of reading and posting Usenet articles, Google
Groups works perfectly, and really that's all it needs to do.
Obviously, Usenet power users are going to go with dedicated client
software that was made specifically to cater to people who go beyond a
little bit of daily reading and posting here and there. There are
plenty of great applications with the "above and beyond" features - I
sometimes use Forte Agent myself - but those really aren't made for
basic users.
You hit the nail on the head as I am a power user (though nothing like a few
years ago) and have been posting to groups since the mid 90s. From your
perspective, GGs would work just fine for you.
We've discussed this before, actually. The key advantage of Google
Groups for me is that I can access it from any computer with an
Internet connection (i.e. my work PC). If I were to use a dedicated
client application, I would be limited in my access to Usenet as I
have no interest in switching back and forth between one app at home
and another at the office and another at my relatives' and another at
the Apple Store in the mall ;-).
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Tom
Also, though you say 'Outlook News', there is no news reader
native to Outlook. I am assuming you choose "News" in the Outlook
once to click on that, you are simply either opening Outlook Express or
Windows Live mail. It's a waste to make your PC have to use two
the same time, when one just simply opens the other for the news posting
Jonah Falcon
2009-09-24 03:13:00 UTC
My posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:04 PM

His posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:00 PM
Post by droletseb
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
I know.

I was just having fun with him since much of his self worth seems to
revolve around letting everyone know that he was the first one to post
some particular tidbit of information to this newsgroup.

I didn't want to make it *too* obvious with an emoticon.
2009-09-24 14:23:34 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
My posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:04 PM
His posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:00 PM

You seem to have completely missed the point that nobody cares that
you posted the information first and that it was petty of you to post
a follow-up to kdsj1's post simply to brag how you beat him to the

It's not a contest.
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by droletseb
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
I know.
I was just having fun with him since much of his self worth seems to
revolve around letting everyone know that he was the first one to post
some particular tidbit of information to this newsgroup.
I didn't want to make it *too* obvious with an emoticon.
2009-09-24 16:09:50 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
My posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:04 PM
His posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:00 PM

You seem to have completely missed the point that nobody cares that
you posted the information first and that it was petty of you to post
a follow-up to kdsj1's post simply to brag how you beat him to the

It's not a contest.

It clearly is a contest to him. He is petty person, and takes his victories
ever he can get them.
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by droletseb
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
I know.
I was just having fun with him since much of his self worth seems to
revolve around letting everyone know that he was the first one to post
some particular tidbit of information to this newsgroup.
I didn't want to make it *too* obvious with an emoticon.
2009-09-24 19:46:20 UTC
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Jonah Falcon
My posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:04 PM
His posting: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:00 PM
You seem to have completely missed the point that nobody cares that
you posted the information first and that it was petty of you to post
a follow-up to kdsj1's post simply to brag how you beat him to the
It's not a contest.
It clearly is a contest to him. He is petty person, and takes his victories
ever he can get them.
What surprises me is that even after I posted that I was just messing
with him, he stayed in the mindset that I was being serious and kept
posting proof that he was the first to report the information to this
Usenet group.

I figured that once I clearly stated that I was just joking around, he
would have just shrugged it off and been done with it.
Post by The alMIGHTY N
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by droletseb
On 23 sep, 15:24, "The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)"
Post by The Almighty N (Blig, Creamy and Jonah's owner)
Post by Jonah Falcon
It's pretty good - and it's free. Check it out.
kdsj1 already posted this. Man, you're slow.
You saw kdsj1 post, therefore you saw Jonah answer in this post and
yet you still decided to...oh never mind
I know.
I was just having fun with him since much of his self worth seems to
revolve around letting everyone know that he was the first one to post
some particular tidbit of information to this newsgroup.
I didn't want to make it *too* obvious with an emoticon.