Halo 3 mp3 player!!
(too old to reply)
2007-05-12 09:14:58 UTC
Microsoft is releasing a Halo 3 version of their Zune mp3 player in
I am def buying one! Here's a web site with some photos:


I bought a Zune last christmas season and when I got it I just
exploded with how much I loved it. I still enjoy it very much and I
much prefer to watch music videos on it than on my computer. It is
really, really good for watching videos. I have about 2,000 songs + 20
videos and movies on it and I still have about 10 gigabytes free.
F r e e
2007-05-12 10:10:51 UTC
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
2007-05-12 10:23:20 UTC
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
2007-05-13 11:23:51 UTC
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
2007-05-13 22:53:59 UTC
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Keith Schiffner
2007-05-14 05:08:49 UTC
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading playing
unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my MP3 so WHO is to
tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block. DMA or some crap.

2007-05-14 13:05:38 UTC
On Sun, 13 May 2007 23:08:49 -0600, "Keith Schiffner"
Post by Keith Schiffner
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading playing
unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my MP3 so WHO is to
tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block. DMA or some crap.
You're referring to DRM, not DMA... but aside from that wtf are you
talking about? Almost all the songs I own were purchased from
AllOfMP3 (straight mp3s with no DRM), the Zune plays them fine and
nothing is ever blocked. All the DRM stuff is for songs you buy from
the Zune store which I never use.

You can use it like any other MP3 player.. DRM applies to songs you
buy from iTunes, Zune store etc. Buy from AllofMP3.com, which is
legal in Russia but the RIAA doesn't like it because just like the
American right-wing sends jobs off to Mexico/India/China for cheaper
labor costs, its a two way street and that means we have the right to
import low cost music from other countries who sell it at a cheaper
price, effectively "offshoring" our music purchases.
Keith Schiffner
2007-05-14 15:08:43 UTC
Post by Jon
On Sun, 13 May 2007 23:08:49 -0600, "Keith Schiffner"
Post by Keith Schiffner
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading playing
unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my MP3 so WHO is to
tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block. DMA or some crap.
You're referring to DRM, not DMA... but aside from that wtf are you
talking about? Almost all the songs I own were purchased from
AllOfMP3 (straight mp3s with no DRM), the Zune plays them fine and
nothing is ever blocked. All the DRM stuff is for songs you buy from
the Zune store which I never use.
Thankyou for the correction. I ONLY buy the cd, period and yes I'd stick to
vinyl if I could find it in outback montana. CC? I gave up on them a couple of
years ago. <shrug> I'm a bit of a luddite...in that I loath having technology
Post by Jon
You can use it like any other MP3 player.. DRM applies to songs you
buy from iTunes, Zune store etc. Buy from AllofMP3.com, which is
legal in Russia but the RIAA doesn't like it because just like the
American right-wing sends jobs off to Mexico/India/China for cheaper
labor costs, its a two way street and that means we have the right to
import low cost music from other countries who sell it at a cheaper
price, effectively "offshoring" our music purchases.
That makes sense...the Russia reference is funny because that could be an
excellent description of where I live. As for RIAA they are over reaching
themselves and it might come back to haunt them.
Keith Schiffner
History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational
basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the
unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and
spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from
fiddling with it.
Robert Heinlein
Vitamin R
2007-05-14 23:02:13 UTC
Post by Keith Schiffner
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading
playing unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my
MP3 so WHO is to tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block.
DMA or some crap.
That's why I bought a Zune..it does NOT work like that.
2007-05-15 04:10:31 UTC
Post by Keith Schiffner
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading
playing unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my
MP3 so WHO is to tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block.
DMA or some crap.
Guess who else owns one and loves it!
I rip tons of TV to it.
00 Daytona
00 Speed Triple
71 Kawi H1
05 Infant
Keith Schiffner
2007-05-15 05:26:45 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Keith Schiffner
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Why would a person own such a dictatorial device??? I prefer loading playing
unloading anything I want...I bought the damn album and it's my MP3 so WHO is
to tell me squat. Mine is unblockable yours iirc can block. DMA or some crap.
Guess who else owns one and loves it!
I rip tons of TV to it.
Wanker! I just don't see the need for the latest greatest and you HAVE seen why.
;^) I follow the kiss principle with stuff. All I ever need is 155 miles of
music anything more has turned out to be superfluous. The current system is
mostly crap but it's got decent sound and If I don't like the current playlist I
just swap out a chip and keep going. It's cheap no named and disposable just
like the girls I dated 20 years ago.

Oh Calgary is right you know...US89 is a kick and a half. ;^)
"For none of us can ever express the exact measure of his needs or his thoughts
or his sorrows; and human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude
rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the
stars. " Gustave Flaubert
2007-05-14 07:48:35 UTC
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Jeez, you buy every piece of shit out there, don'cha Rob.

Games, hardware... what else?!?

2007-05-14 16:10:41 UTC
Post by FoolsGold
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Jeez, you buy every piece of shit out there, don'cha Rob.
Games, hardware... what else?!?
I don't even know what a "Zune" is let alone own one.

I'm thinking of branching out from "shit games" to "shit hardware"
soon though.
2007-05-14 17:29:44 UTC
Post by Rob
Post by FoolsGold
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Jeez, you buy every piece of shit out there, don'cha Rob.
Games, hardware... what else?!?
I don't even know what a "Zune" is let alone own one.
I'm thinking of branching out from "shit games" to "shit hardware"
soon though.
...damn... there's another one ;-)
2007-05-14 21:21:33 UTC
Post by FoolsGold
Post by silentpig
Post by FoolsGold
Post by F r e e
Post by GreatArtist
I bought a Zune
An now another one? Stupid shop-a-holic!
Another one? I thought for a moment he was the ONLY one! :)
does any one even own a zune?
Jeez, you buy every piece of shit out there, don'cha Rob.
Games, hardware... what else?!?
Yogo!!??... My Zune has been great, no problems, it works, does everything
I expect, it's not IPOD shit.
Post by FoolsGold
2007-05-15 02:13:57 UTC
Post by FoolsGold
Jeez, you buy every piece of shit out there, don'cha Rob.
So what if he does.
I want and abundance of material things myself.
I'm working hard on becoming a multi-millionaire or a billionaire.
And when I do I'm gonna have the most badass videogaming system ever
with a huge hi-def screen, grand utopia speakers, bleeding edge game
machines, etc.
The universe is infinite and has infinite resources, so the amount of
potential wealth is infinite too. I spend a lot of time studying
business and wealth building strategies.
I want it all!