Halo 3: Plasma pistol - so underrated
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Jonah Falcon
2007-10-04 15:56:39 UTC
People don't understand how useful it is against vehicles. I love the
surprised (I assume) expressions on the enemy when I bring down a
banshee or stall a ghost with a single charged shot from the pistol -
it shuts both vehicles down completely for a while.
2007-10-04 19:41:49 UTC
It's also great great for taking down Brutes when followed up with a BR
headshot. That type of kill will give you bonus points an the Meta-Games.
2007-10-08 21:01:20 UTC
Post by MrSpumonte
It's also great great for taking down Brutes when followed up with a BR
headshot. That type of kill will give you bonus points an the Meta-Games.
It's too slow and inaccurate to use at any distance, though. By the
time a shot gets to the target, they've dove out of the way.

For my money, I think the Battle Rifle/Covenant Carbine are the most
vastly underrated weapons in Halo 3. I hated to see that they brought
the shitty assault rifle back as the default weapon. The Battle Rifle
is the perfect all-purpose weapon, IMHO. It works well in both close
quarters and at a distance (the AR is WORTHLESS at any range). It has
a zoom. And it's very accurate. I've taken out many a sniper with just
a BR or carbine (just TRY doing that with the AR). In fact, I love it
so much that I'll often carry both a BR and carbine as my two weapons,
just to ensure that I'll have one or the other at all times.

Jonah Falcon
2007-10-08 22:26:16 UTC
Post by e***@pop.uky.edu
Post by MrSpumonte
It's also great great for taking down Brutes when followed up with a BR
headshot. That type of kill will give you bonus points an the Meta-Games.
It's too slow and inaccurate to use at any distance, though. By the
time a shot gets to the target, they've dove out of the way.
For my money, I think the Battle Rifle/Covenant Carbine are the most
vastly underrated weapons in Halo 3.
Underrated? In the GameStooge poll, the assault rifles won. The
carbines are better than the BR, too.
2007-10-09 15:07:25 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Underrated? In the GameStooge poll, the assault rifles won.
That's because people are idiots. The AR is only good if you play the
entire game as run-and-gun (and just TRY doing that on Legendary).
Even, even for run-and-gun, the plasma rifles are better.

Jonah Falcon
2007-10-09 16:13:28 UTC
Post by e***@pop.uky.edu
Post by Jonah Falcon
Underrated? In the GameStooge poll, the assault rifles won.
That's because people are idiots. The AR is only good if you play the
entire game as run-and-gun (and just TRY doing that on Legendary).
Even, even for run-and-gun, the plasma rifles are better.
No, in the poll, the assault rifles are grouped together - assault,
battle, cov carbine and plasma rifle. Everyone said in the comments
that they loved the BR.
2007-10-24 03:04:01 UTC
Post by Jonah Falcon
Post by e***@pop.uky.edu
Post by Jonah Falcon
Underrated? In the GameStooge poll, the assault rifles won.
That's because people are idiots. The AR is only good if you play the
entire game as run-and-gun (and just TRY doing that on Legendary).
Even, even for run-and-gun, the plasma rifles are better.
No, in the poll, the assault rifles are grouped together - assault,
battle, cov carbine and plasma rifle. Everyone said in the comments
that they loved the BR.
I easily prefer it to the plasma, especially when you're killing the flodd
spores. The BR just seems to spread out better
